OGETR - Türkiye Oyun Geliştirme Etkinlikleri
OGETR is a websites that aims to make the game development events more accesible in Turkiye
OGETR is a websites that aims to make the game development events more accesible in Turkiye
MRA is a music identifier for Windows.MRA listens to your microphone or the desktop sound and identifies the music then gives you information about the music like title, artist, album, genre, etc.
United Adobe Editor, is a UI color/splash screen changer for almost all Adobe applications.
Adobe Splash Screen Creator Online is a Splash Screen Creator for most used Adobe Apps like Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere Pro etc. that can be downloaded or be used by United Adobe Editor.
Game Jam: Sandwich Jam
Theme: Duality/Opposition
Game Jam: Boğaziçi Game Jam'24 and OGUJAM
Theme: Knot/Tie and Daydream
Game Jam: Hujam'23
Theme: Futurism
Game Jam: Magara Jam 2023
Theme: Mysterious Machine
Game Jam: Boğaziçi Game Jam 23
Theme: Just Barely
Game Jam: Magara Jam 5
Theme: You are the villain
Game Jam: Magara Jam 4
Theme: __(Failure)__ is your super-power
Game Jam: Magara Jam 3
Theme: System Failure